Are you a creative person that has not been able to carve out time to work on your art in quite some time? Are you looking for a creative way to spend time with your child? Consider our Process Art Studio Program. This is a series of 6 workshops (at your pace & schedule), where you and your child will get your very own large blank canvas to work on and explore the creative approach of process art.
This is not a painting class per-se, it’s an exploratory experience where we challenge both the adults and kids (of all ages) to get out of your comfort zone, make mistakes, embrace the unknown and explore the medium of process art.
If you’re looking for a painting session where an instructor walks you through the steps to achieve a specific end-result, this program is not for you. At Little Pulp, we consider art an internal exploration with improvisation, expressive movements and messy fun. We cannot promise a wonderful end result, but you will have fun and both make something to proudly hang on your walls at home.
How Does it Work?
The cost of the program will include studio-quality stretched canvases and six (6) workshop sessions. The studio sessions will run from 3:45-6:00pm on Mondays-Saturday. The program will start sometime in November.
Can I get an additional canvas for a sibling?
Yes, we will offer discounted rates for siblings.
Do I need to take my canvas home?
No, we store your canvas here in our shop. At anytime, when you feel the work is complete, you can bring the canvas home.
How much does it cost, and what does it include?
We are still working out the pricing and will be announcing very soon. If you’re interested, Send us an email and we’ll notify you once we have the program set up.
When can I come in to work? Is there a set schedule?
We realize everyone’s schedule is going to be erratic, especially in these next few months, so we are blocking out these workshops for Monday-Saturday from 3:45-6:00pm. We realize this might not be the best time for everyone, please bear with us as we do our best to figure out ways to get you back creating in our studio.
After the 6 studio sessions, if you wish to continue working on your piece, we’ll work out a price for additional sessions.
What if I finish my piece in less than 6 workshop sessions?
Process art takes time. Some of the large-scale paintings in our shop have been worked on for months, some even years. The six studio sessions will give you and your child the time to explore and develop your piece.
You can set your own pace and schedule your time at the studio as works best for you. If you have questions about the program, please Click Here to Email us.
We are a very small family run operation and -in addition to this workshop- we have another business that we run and freelance jobs - so if you want to get in touch with us, best way is to Fill out the Form Here. We will get back to you, via email, asap.
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